Appium: trigger iOS deep-link

appium: 1.6.5
java-client: 5.0.4
iOS simulator: iPhone 6

Opening iOS deep-link using appium for me was as simple as that: just define needed driver capabilities and then invoke driver.get(). Specific capabilities are:

 DesiredCapabilities caps = DesiredCapabilities.iphone(); 
 caps.setCapability(DEVICE_NAME, "iPhone 6"); 
 caps.setCapability(BROWSER_NAME, "");
 caps.setCapability(AUTO_DISMISS_ALERTS, true);
 //some other capabilities

Your deep link must satisfy specific format:

 String deepLink = "application-scheme://host/path?queryvalues";

And now all you need is just to create iOS driver with specified capabilities and navigate to deep link:

 AppiumDriver appiumDriver = new IOSDriver(caps);

That's basically all you need!

If you ever wonder what kind of magic is happening underneath, it is not too complicated. It is appium-xcuitest-driver which in its turn is using node-simctl wrapper around simctl command line utility. The implementation can be found in So, the same result can be achieved with

 xcrun simctl openurl  

Deeplinks for ios in Appium are demystified :) and I hope it was helpful for you.


  1. This does not seems to work for real devices

  2. right, does not work on real devices.


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